I have been struggling with back pain for more than 10 yrs. So over time I had to learn how to take care of my back. As it happens I discovered YOGA almost 5 yrs ago after a breakup. I tried it because I read that it can help you calm your emotional turmoil. When I walked into my first class I felt nervous and intimidated as I looked around and saw all these svelte bending bodies that looked like modern art in mid-air. The yoga teacher eased me into the class and she asked me what my problem areas were, which is a very common thing when joining a new class. I was a little embarrassed to tell her that I was there because of a break-up so I REMEMBERED i struggled with my back. I told her a mini version of how I originally hurt my back and that over the years it just seemed to come back at shorter intervals. Before it used to be every 4-5 yrs intervals,...now as I got older it seemed to go to 1-2 yrs intervals. After learning some basic moves and seeing how much it helped calm my sorrows and my back I became a devotee. But real life gets in the way, like always. So when I went back to school after my summer break,...I am a teacher,...I tried to continue it at least once a week. Of course, that did not last long,...before I knew it, it became more like once every 3 months. I said to myself, well I am there in spirit so if I don't go today I still take comfort in understanding the benefits of it while NOT PRACTICING it. Now fast forward to 2011, and 7 months after my baby has arrived and I find myself thinking about going back to a regular yoga class. I am never one to stick to my decision when it comes to ME,....I do what feels easy and what makes me happy,...my mom would never approve of that,...but I have to change that and go back to HELPING MY BODY. SO before I start my YOGA class,...I promise to myself SOON,....I decided to just STRETCH whenever my baby SLEEPS. BOY it feels good,..even 5-10 minutes of stretching feel magical for my body. One pose that a yoga teacher told me helps with everything,...it is the shoulder stand,...I hope that is what is called,...I can never remember the names, unless they have funny animal names,...like cat pose, downward dog, pigeon something, cobra, anyways,...the pose is like this: lift your legs high up in the air as straight as possible as you hold your back and upper body 90 degrees to the floor. I used to do that as kid,...in bed,...put my legs up on the wall while my head was resting on the bed,...it felt great. She said that this particular pose helps with every part of your body. So to leave you with a calming happy thought,...YOGA can be GREAT for healing everything: broken hearts, bad backs, ache muscles, stress, or just help you sleep better....or make you forget your PROBLEMS for just ONE hr.
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