When lower back pain started interfering with my regular activities, I decided to search different options that did not involve taking medication. I found some alternatives that work well: massages, yoga, and acupuncture. Massages are not just for relaxation they are for healing as well. You might wonder why would I want to talk about massages since this is mainly a skin care blog. It is simple, the better you feel physically the more happier you look, the more oxygen flows to your tired cells, the more radiant your skin. Going back to massages. Ancient people have been doing them a long time before the first spa ever appeared on 5th Ave,...or before the Chinese lady gave you a good seated massage. Now science has proven that massages have the powerful effect of healing your muscles. Studies have been done on athletes that complete extensive workouts and those that followed their workout with a 10-15 minute massage showed increased numbers in mithochandria. The mithochandria is the key organelle of the cell that produces energy and helps restore muscle tissue. The ones that did not have a follow-up massage took longer to heal. So there, now when you want to spend your money on healing your body, SPEND IT ON a MASSAGE.
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